APPLICATIONSGelman Cytoguard *CDC Series Laminar Flow Cytotoxic Drug Safety Cabinets with its unique double exhaust HEPA filtration system meet the needs of pharmacy applications involving the
handling of cytotoxic drugs and chemicals that require both containment and aseptic manipulation.Gelman Cytoguard *CDC Series cabinet is an effective laboratory aid in obtaining the optimum control
over product quality while reducing the potential for exposure of both product and personnel to airborne biological or particulate agents, aerosol particles or vapours which may be liberated in the
preparation, manipulation and dispensing of cytotoxic drugs.OPERATIONGelman Cytoguard *CDC Series cabinets are partially-recirculating laminar flow cytotoxic drug safety cabinets. HEPA-filtered
vertical laminar airflow in the work zone creates a sterile environment for the preparation of drug products. An effective air barrier between the operator and work zone is maintained by an inflow
of room air via a full width grille located in the work access opening.The barrier air blends with the recirculated laminar flow air and passes through a primary exhaust HEPA filter located below
the work zone. These filter arrests aerosols released within the work zone, thereby protecting fans, other internal cabinet components, maintenance technicians and the environment from
contamination. The filtered air is exhausted to the room via a secondary exhaust HEPA filter. An optional activated carbon filter arrests volatile contaminants.Standard cabinets have exhaust
discharge on the top.Gelman Zero Leak system ensures that all positive pressure zones are surrounded by negative pressure zones, so as to contain potentially hazardous materials within the
cabinet.SPECIAL FEATURES ? Negative pressure double-wall housings for containment. ? One-piece stainless steel work zone construction. ? Spacious work zone height of 30 inches. ? Automatic/
selectable boost mode for increased containment. ? Sliding tempered glass window.PHYSICAL DATAStandard units available with nominal width of 90cm, 120cm and 180cm.Other sizes are available upon