"ER" is an insurance rating - Safes given a U.L. TL-15 rating have all passed standardized tests defined in UL? Standard 687 using the same tools and usually the same group of testing engineers. The label requires that the safe be constructed of 1 inch solid steel or equivalent. The label means that the safe has been tested for a net working time of 15 minutes using "...common hand tools, drills, punches, hammers, and pressure applying devices." Net working time means simply" when the tool comes off the safe the clock stops". There are over fifty different types of attacks that can be used to gain entrance into the safe. Usually they will try only 2 or 3 based on what they know about the product, and they know a lot.
"ER" Rate Safe (E Revised) - U.L. TL-15 Rate
"ER" Rate Safe (E Revised) - U.L. TL-15 Rate |