Individual Quick Frozen (IQF)Some Quick Facts on Nippon Industries IQF Brown Rice
Consistent in form, texture and taste. This is attributable to both our machinery and careful cooking process.
Cryogenic freezing technology prevents cellular breakdown and locks in fresh taste and texture. Cryogenic freezing temps can attain a freezing level of minus 290 degrees F as compared to mechanical
freezing which is at minus 40 degrees F.
Advanced processing insures our rice kernels are maintained whole and intact providing not only a visually pleasing presentation, but also a better whole grain taste which can be lost when starch
leaches out of broken or overcooked kernels or frozen using slower traditional methods.
Exacting standards, developed in house, insure consistent moisture content, a perfectly cooked kernel, and high quality frozen rice. These proprietary processes help to avoid shrinkage due to
excess water, broken kernels, overcooked rice and watery tastes. Producing a brown rice true to its essence is essential to maintain the brown rices properties of whole grain nourishment including
the vitamins, fiber and anti-oxidant contents as well as the distinctive nutty and buttery flavor.