INTERCOM SYSTEMIntercommunication between all members of the organization or societyMaximum security by communication, identification and screening of all visitors / vendors into the
organizationTele-Conference between office bearers, committee members or otherwise for better co-operation, quick decisions and togethernessEasier and direct instructions / orders to concerned
house-keeping personnelHelps to maintain your in-house privacy, safer from roving eyesYou do not have to walk to talk!If a telephone line is provided, we can provide the following additional
benefits at practically no extra cost:-Transferring facility of incoming calls to the respective person via an operatorDialing all outward calls with convenience and privacy via operatorAdditional
convenience to members not having telephone lineAdditional emergency line facilityThis line may be used exclusively for incoming or outgoing calls as per your requirementThe duration of
conversation can be limited using an Automatic Time SwitchWe guarantee our products against manufacturing defects for a period of 12 months from the date of original dispatch, provided that the
goods are returned to our works carriage paid.Annual Maintenance ContractOffered by us for Post-Warranty period.