Audio phone hands-free cassette adaptor Turns your mobile phone into a hands free mobile phone, using your car cassette player Quick and easy to install The speakers of your car act as the speaker
of your phone Requires no power Universal system suitable for any mobile phone: GSM, AMPS, PCS, DCS, CDMA and ETAC systems. ISTRUCTIONS FOR USEInsert the connector into the hands free connection on
your mobile phone (use the connector which fits your type of mobile phone) Insert the cassette adaptor into the car stereo, like a normal cassette, with the wire leading out of the stereo The
microphone can be held with a clip or a suction cap The mobile phone and the microphone must be located correctly to avoid interference. The microphone should be placed far from the car stereo
speakers The mobile phone is ready to be used as usual and the sound will come from the car stereo speakers It may be necessary to adjust the volume of the car stereo to ensure proper audio When
not using, the cassette adaptor can be ejected and left in stand-by position, the stereo will function as usual When you want to send a call or receive, just push in the cassette adaptor It is more
convenient if you set up the "Automatic answer" function.