Protect your personal privacy. This Bug Detector can protect you from:
Audio BugsHidden Wireless CamerasTransmitting Cell PhonesWIFIAnd More
This radio frequency bug detector truly separates itself from the rest of them and I think you will agree.
RF detectors are simply a radio frequency receiving device. It isdesigned to detect wireless signals that are being transmitted within acertain frequency range.
For example a wireless hidden camera is designed to transmit video to a video receiver.
Some wireless transmitters are designed to transmit as far as 3 miles away while others can only be received one room away.
So the stronger the signal being transmitted the easier it is for thebug detector to detect it. Some micro spy cams are designed to output avery low signal making them very hard to detect.
You may need to be very close to the camera or bug to detect it. Theyare designed this way not to be easily detected. The problem is if thedetector is too sensitive it gives a false alarm. If it is
notsensitive enough it does not detect the signal well enough.
This is what separates this bug detector from some of the othersyou see. It has a built in sensitivity adjustment allowing you todetect those not so easy to detect wireless bug transmitters.
While some spy cameras are very difficult to detect, you can sweep thesuspect area with this unit and then gradually increase the sensitivityuntil you eventually home in on the target.
It has a silent vibrate mode as well so you can use it without itsounding an audible alarm so you can operate in complete secrecy. Italso has an earphone jack so if you choose you can use the
includedearphones while making your sweep.
Use this device to secure your Home, Office, Hotel Room or anyother Public place you demand privacy. Locate Hidden Cameras and AudioBugs. Use it to find WIFI Hot Spots. Use it to identify LIVE
CellPhones that may be transmitting Private Conversations. Use it to seewireless signals that are otherwise invisible.
Detecting as follows: Frequency 0MHz ~6.0GHz
Monitor. (1MHz--470MHz) Alert mode 1 4 indicator lights and "DiDi" voice
Telephone monitor (50MHz--460MHz) Alert mode 2 Vibration + 4 indicator lights
Mobile phone monitor(500MHz--2500MHz) No-voice, 4indicator lights and earphone Alert mod 3
Digital monitor (900MHz--1900MHz) detecting alert voice.
Car monitor (500MHz--1900MHz) Can play down or adjust high detecting Button
Car tracker (900MHz--1900MHz) sensitivity (You can locate pinhole camera adjusting
Pinhole camera (700MHz--5800MHz) as long as the detecting range is dwindled sensitivity
Encrypt camera (2400MHz--5800MHz)and sensitivity is played down).
Gambling fraudulent practices' device No-voice vibration induction. As long as (130MHz--1900MHz)
Wiring radiated source induction let it detect secretly in any special (4000MHz--6000MHz) location.
Technical Specifications
Frequency: 0 - 6 GHzLower Frequency: 0 ~ 120 MHzHigher Frequency: 149 MHz ~ 400 MHzGSM: 900 MHz ~ 1900 MHzDetectable Image Frequency: 200 MHz ~ 2400 MHzMicroWave Frequency: 2400 MHz ~ 6 GHzWorking
Voltage: 3V (AAA x 2)Working Current: Caution 8mA Vibration 70mASensitivity: Max 10 meters Depends on output of Transmitter DetectedColor: Bright SilverDimension: 56 x 90 x 17 mmWeight: 50gGross
Weight 100g
This New RF Detector works great and is very effective.
It has a wide range of RF Detection :0 ~ 6 GHz
1Mhz wireless camera detector
1Mhz wireless camera detector |