Contact Atlas Handling for more information.
The Dr. SpitzerTM glove is available in a number of styles and a full range of sizes. All styles feature the patented groove to protect the median nerve.
The patented channel in the Dr. SpitzerTM glove is placed precisely -- based on the anatomy of the hand. The design has undergone extensive testing in industrial applications and sports to determine the best location and dimensions for the placement of the channel.
The safest and most cost-effective treatment is prevention -- The Dr. SpitzerTM glove prevents the development of these symptoms by protecting the median nerve from external pressure, impact and vibration. You don't have to have carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) to benefit from the glove! Numerous workers have reported that they can work eight hour shifts if they wear these gloves. Individuals using the gloves for sports have reported that they can play, ride or whatever for hours without problems. We have had cyclists report that they used to lose feeling in their fingers after ten minutes; with our gloves they rode in 500 mile bike races with no symptoms!
People in certain jobs or occupations (or in certain sports) will often notice that after several hours, they have tingling in their fingers. Sometimes, the grip becomes weak, or the fingers
actually become numb and lose sensation. There are jobs or sports where the palm of the hand is constantly subject to pressure, impact or vibration; after a while people develop symptoms, even
before they have actual carpal tunnel syndrome.
Dr. SpitzerTM GLOVES
Sometimes, the grip becomes weak, or the fingers actually become numb and lose sensation
Sometimes, the grip becomes weak, or the fingers actually become numb and lose sensation |