Wash in warm soapy water and rinse with clean water. Allow the product to dry naturally, do not force dry.
Disinfect when necessary using a mild household or medical detergent, rinse thoroughly with clean water. Allow the product to dry naturally, do not force dry.
This product is only intended for protection against fine to medium particles.
This product is not intended to give protection from ultra-violet or infrared radiation, including sunlight, for this protection additional or alternative oculars shall be used.
This product does not protect against molten metal, hot solids, radiant heat or electrical hazards.
This product does not protect against liquid splash, including molten metal.
Prescription spectacles should not be worn under this product.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the materials used in the manufacture of this product, which come into contact with the skin, do not cause an allergic reaction, however, this may not be
the case for a small minority of individuals.
In the event that a reaction of any kind occurs with the use of this product, stop wearing the product immediately and seek professional advice.
SAFE EYES can be used in a wide range of applications including; power tool operation, construction activities, when operating outdoor plant and equipment such as chainsaws or trimmers, for mining
and quarrying activities, for timber works and woodcraft, etc., when the potential hazards have been identified and assessed and it is deemed that the SAFE EYES product offers the most appropriate
With lenses manufactured from stainless steel mesh SAFE EYES will not fog and are designed to be comfortable to wear for long periods.
SAFE EYES have been issued to you to protect against identified hazards and should be worn for the process or task for which they have been issued, ensure that you know how and when to use your
SAFE EYES and how to care for the product. If in doubt ask your supervisor.
Note that Personal Protective Equipment should always be a last resort to protect individuals from hazards, and methods for negating or avoiding hazards, when practical, should always be the
preferred control measure.
Relevant Standards;
SAFE EYES are designed and manufactured to EN 1731:2006, with the exception of section 4.2.5, minimum area of coverage and field of vision of a mesh eye protector, as the test referenced for
coverage of the mesh eye protector in standard EN 168:2001, section 10.2, is specific to face shields. Therefore, the coverage of the mesh eye protector has been designed to provide the minimum
field of vision complying with EN 166:2001 section 7.1.1.
These are EUROPEAN STANDARDS and product is now accepted at this standard grading in AUSTRALIA.
SAFE EYES is a category II product, notified body number CE 0194, INSPEC International LTD, 56 Leslie Hough Way, Salford, Manchester M6 6AJ, United Kingdom.
The mechanical strength of the SAFE EYES product is identified on the frame;
F = low energy impact of high speed particles.
Where markings are identified on both the ocular and the frame and the same marking is not used in both places, the lower mechanical strength indicated shall apply to the complete product.
This product should be stored at ambient temperature in a box, locker or pouch designed for this purpose.
This product should be stored away from chemicals, for example; oils, petrol, solvents, etc., and exposure to excessive heat should be avoided.
Keep protected whilst being transported to prevent damage.
Product Life;
When stored and maintained at ambient temperatures, this product will last in excess of two years, but must be inspected thoroughly prior to use.
Any product showing signs of deterioration or damage should be replaced immediately.
The revolutionary new product designed specifically to protect eyes from impact without the sweat, scratching and irritation normally experienced!
Benefits of SAFE-EYES:
BLUELINK is a progressive and dynamically developing company, founded in 2001 by a group of
BLUELINK is a progressive and dynamically developing company, founded in 2001 by a group of |