Oclansorb-plus is applied manually like any other powdered oil absorbent. Hand, mechanical, or airborne applicators can be used, and because it is a lightweight particulate, blowers are effective in broadcasting the material effectively.
Application rates vary with the quantity of oil spilled, the surface area affected and the environmental conditions. Oclansorb-plus weighs I kg (2.2 lb.) per 5.5 litres of volume when packed in its typical paper bag unit wrapping. One full bag is 44 litres in volume and weighs 8 kg (I 7.5 lb.)
Treated with
Ocalansorb Plus
Oclansorb Plus is an oil-absorbant peat moss designed for application to surface oil and fuel spills in fresh and salt water marshes, wetlands and any open water environment which cannot be efficiently cleaned by manual techniques.
Oclansorb Plus is designed to:
spills cause significant and lasting damage to rivers, lakes, marine estuaries mangroves, marshes, wetlands and shorelines. Fortunately, many oil spill sites can be treated to optimize the conditions favourable to natural biodegradation.
Oil spills