After purchase please call us at 800-297-0409 and let us know if you want your business or agency name custom imprinted on these stickers for FREE, what information you want imprinted and what
color alert sticker you want, blue, orange or red.
These H.E.L.P. stickers come in groups of 50 sets in clear plastic bags.
Custom Imprint is FREE!
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Medical Alert Stickers
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H.E.L.P. Stickers
We custom imprint your business or agency name on these stickers for free!
We provide our H.E.L.P. (Helmet Emergency Lifesaving Profile) system for cycling helmets. This helmet safety program should be worn by all cyclists during races, in the event of an emergency medical situation proper and prompt care is given to an injured or unconscious participant. A blue, orange or red (you choose which color you want) Alert H.E.L.P. sticker goes on the outside of the helmet and a white emergency medical sticker goes on the inside. Child Helmet ID Program can be found - Here
This helmet safety program should be worn by all cyclists during races
This helmet safety program should be worn by all cyclists during races |