Retail $13.88 - each This is what others sell it for we are asking only $8.95 each plus $5.00 shipping and handling or a box of 5 for only $39.75 plus $7.00 shipping and handling.
The 3M 8233 is an N100 grade respirator which exceeds the CDC and WHO recommendation in a low cost and disposable configuration and is 99.97% effective. The 3M 8233 is recognized as the most cost effective solution available and is only exceeded by non-disposible and face respirators.
The CDC and the WHO recommend N95 grade disposable masks or better for protection we believe this is deficient in that a N95 mask would allow 5 percent of particles 0.3 microns to enter the mask
and H5N1 is approximately 0.1 micron (100 nm) in size and it only take 1 germ to infect a person.
Part Number: 3M 8233N100