Custom earpiece for hands-free cell-phone attachment. Made to fit to any earpiece of a conventional walk-and-talk accessory. Custom made from your ear-impression to fit snugly and comfortably into the ear. Cuts out background noise to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and stays put in the ear once inserted correctly!
Custom Swim Plugs in position. For children (or adults) who suffer from chronic ear-infections caused by water getting into the ear-canal. Indicated for children with grommets in the eardrum and for anyone who hates getting water in their ears! Made from a hypoallergenic floatable silicone available in a myriad of colour combinations.
Custom made Sleep Plugs, manufactured out of hypoallergenic silicone to fit deeply and comfortably into the ear-canal. For those "snoring husbands" (or wives)!
8. Custom earpiece for mobile and devices.
7. E-A-R Hearing Protection
4. Active shooters protection.
5. Variphone products.
6. Musicians In-ear monitors
1. Custom Made Sleep Plugs.
2. Custom Made Swim Plugs.
3. Custom Made Ear Piece For Hands Free Cell-Phone Attachment
Three-way ear monitor