We feel pride upon having a good feedback from our customers.
Our customers are real essence for us and they have equal participation in the success of company so their satisfaction is our satisfaction.
The goods are now being manufactured by best possible way keeping in view the Quality Standards, which covers credible workmanship, excellent durability, exact specifications, elegance style and finest stuff. Through management's experience and specialization, it is possible for us to realize excellent price/quality interaction. The company also dedicates a separate Research & Development efforts for introducing more new products and fulfilling special customer required products.
WORKWEAR first achieved ISO 9002 certification and later upgraded to newer version ISO 9001:2000. The ISO Quality Management System is strictly being followed inside the organization to comply the standards of International market.
WORKWEAR is registered with CBI, an agency for the promotion of imports from developing countries, since 1993 and it keeps on participating in International Seminars & Trade Fairs organized by CBI and other organizations to keep pace with the market.
In 1990, we started exporting Cotton Working Gloves to European market under affiliated manufacturing. It was our strong determination and desire to achieve targets which helped us specializing in the field of Industrial Gloves. The second phase of company started with an installation of own manufacturing unit and introduction of new products which included Leather Gloves and Working Garments as well. Today, WORKWEAR is offering a range of products in Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) which ensure safety parameters identified by professionals in the industry.
100% Cotton Jersey Glove Grey with Knitwrist, Clute cut style
100% Cotton Jersey Glove Grey with Knitwrist, Clute cut style |