High power GPS jammer.Blocks GPS reception and prevents all types of GPS-enabled devices from tracking your current location.It can be held in a pocket for covert usage.The internal rechargeable
battery lasts several hours.Being powered from a car cigarette lighter socket it can be used for long periods of time.It will prevent vehicle tracking of any kind.Stops GPS reception as soon as it
is switched on.FeaturesSuper compact pocket design.Range will cover a whole large room or a vehicle.Large high gain removable GPS antenna.AC adapter and Car adapter are included.Rechargeable
battery (lasts 3+ hours).Can be covertly switched on/off when held in a pocket.Technical dataSize: 100x45x18mm (3.9"x1.8"x0.7")Power requirement: 12V(car) , 110-230V ACBattery type: internal
rechargableOperating temperature: -20 to +60