DESCRIPTION: Protectshield Roofing compound One Coat System. is a heavy bodied solid coating based on weather resistant pigments, inert extenders for insulation and aluminium paste to reflect heat.
The vehicle has been specially compounded with a blend of weather resistant resins, to provide maximum water impermeability, high durability and is self healing if damaged.PROTECTSHIELD:
Protectshield is a tested surface coating for concrete and steel structures. It forms an impermeable surface and gives good thermal insulation. Because of its flexibility, it penetrates and seals
porous surfaces and fills hair line cracks too. It is therefore specially recommended for water proofing of concrete roofs / structures. It also covers slightly rusted metal and bonds to all metal
and masonry surfaces. Due to its highly resilient nature it is immune to extreme climatic conditions. Once properly dried it will not slip, sag or run in the hottest weather or crack in subfreezing
temperatures, providing long term water proofing of surfaces exposed to climatic extremes.An additional advantage of Red Garden's Protectshield is its effectiveness as a true one coat system. No
priming coat or finishing overcoat is required. Time and labour saving in terms of economizing are very substantial.