The SR2D is an innovative safety device, which allows the complete sequence of launching a freefall lifeboat completely unmanned.This system was designed to enable a full function launch to be
conducted after the installation of a new freefall lifeboat system without any risk to operating crew or personnel.Initially designed to enable unmanned unloaded/loaded equipment commissioning
trial test runs, this device can easily be expanded to include simulated drill requirements of freefall lifeboats, under regulations presently in force, at absolutely no risk to human lives.The
SR2D is a complete kit, packed in a versatile utility casing, and comprises the SR2D, an easily operated handheld winch device, and a coiled stainless steel winching wire and hook. Designed to be
portable and user friendly, the SR2D is supplied complete with user manuals, maintenance manuals, spare parts list, and all relevant certification.