CEI offers quality safety chains and safety cables that exceed SAE classes 1 (2,000 lbs), 2 (3,500), and 3 (5,000). These come in custom lengths or numerous standard lengths that you
require. Chains: For convince and your customers needs, our factories offer both, a standard chain or a zinc plated chain. They also offer numerous end hook styles such as an S-hook or D-hook patterns. In addition, all hooks are available with spring loaded safety snap clips for added safety and to satisfy sate law requirements. Cables: If you are tired of noisy chain clattering then CEI offers a full range of safety cable to meet your needs. All safety cables come pre-tensioned to avoid potential chain dragging and it helps keep the hooks attached to hitch. They are also offered in both vinyl coated and non coated versions depending on the cables environment. |
Part # | Description | Crate Qtys & Weight |
CH1448 | 5K Safety Chain 1/4 x 48 | CALL |
CH31648 | 2K Safety Chain 3/16 x 48 | CALL |
CH31660 | 2K Safety Chain 3/16 x 60 | CALL |
CH3839W | 2K Safety Chain 3/8 x 39 | CALL |
For convince and your customers needs, our factories offer both, a standard chain or a zinc plated chain. They
For convince and your customers needs, our factories offer both, a standard chain or a zinc plated chain. They |