An impressive, versatile and portable Flag system ideal for outdoor occasions such as Trade Shows, Field-days and Sporting Events. When fully extended to 5.2metres the Flag-2-Go will make your
Brand stand out from the crowd! Three Heights!Due to the design of the extendable pole the Flag-2-Go has 3 useable heights 2.7, 4.0 and 5.2 metres. (Talk to us about the size of the flag needed to
match your desired height!)Water Filled Base for StabilityTo provide maximum stability when in use the base is filled with water on-site to provide an extremely heavy and stable foundation to the
flag display. Lightweight and Easy to TransportAfter your show the water is emptied and the Flag-2-Go is folded away into two lightweight carry bags ready for its next outing. High Quality Fabric
FlagsUsing Vibrant True Colour, Light-fast, Fabric-compatible Dyes, your design is dye-sublimation or digitally printed onto an especially developed polyester flag fabric with excellent image showa
through. (NB: Most flags in the market are single sided & printed on fabric. If you require the same image both sides or no image show-through talk to us about our double sided and PVC flag
options)Large Rectangular Flag BannersTo provide maximum impact the size of the Flag itself can be up to a massive 1.13mtrs wide by 3.80mtrs high. As the flag is rectangular in shape optimal space
is available for your message