Electronically controlled parking gates are everywhere: at home, in the office, in publicparking lots. Typically, each parking gate requires a special remote control or key card,which the driver needs to use whenever entering and exiting the parking. Parking lotowners/managers have tremendous overhead in managing their fleet of remote controlsand key cards. Furthermore, this technology is exposed to fraud, since the remote controlscan be easily duplicated. If parking gates could be opened using a popular device thatexists almost on every household the cellular phone we will gain a technology thatcould be much more secure and easy to manage, and at the same time eliminate the needto use multiple, special purposed remote controls and key cards.TechnologyThe synthesis of the Caller ID with unique mathematical algorithms for positiveauthentication is the foundation of our technology. After authentication, the user isallowed to perform one or more functions depending on the type of authorization and theservices offered.GATE-KEEPER is acomprehensive, secure and cost-effectivesolution for controlling parking gatesusing the cellular phone. Adding,removing and suspending members isdone easily using a remote configurationsoftware. By harnessing the cellular phoneto open parking gates, there is no need touse multiple, specialpurposed remotecontrols and key cards, as the same cellular phone can be used for multiple gates. smart agent technology provides increased security, soft remote configuration as wellas complete usage logging, which can be used later for billing and clearance purposes. GATE-KEEPER provides the following benefits:For users:* Easy to use simply dial a number to open the parking gate* Efficient no need to carry a separate remote control* Cost-effective no need to buy new remote control when cell phone is lostFor parking owner/manager:* Increased control over the people/cars that are authorized to enter the parking lot* Eliminate costs of buying and maintaining physical remote controls* Reduce parking personnel* Increase security - impossible to copy remote controlFor gate manufacturer/wholesaler:* Increased control - authorize new users can be done only via themanufacturer/representative* Ability to charge for new members and/or for usageCell Phone we are looking for Strong Agent all around the world.please contact us with all your detail.
Electronically controlled parking gates are everywhere: at home, in the office, in public
parking l
Model Number: | TheBestGtaeInTheWorld |