CE- 1020 Creative High Temperature Suit Technical Specifications: The Suit is Normex make (imported material)Weight of the fabric is 6 oz.The material weaving is plainHeat resistant is 500 degrees
F. Trials have been carried out and is found to be resistant for five minutes.Thermal shrinkage resistance: 500 degrees F and is resistant for five minutes < 2.0%Tensile Strength ASTM 1682
(lbs): 240 x 150Tearing Strength ASTM 1424 (lbs): 12 x 8Dimensional Stability AATCC 135, 3-IV - after five launderings: <2.0%This is a Totally Tailor-Made Suit, which can be designed as per
customers requirements. The Advantages are:1. Free fitting design enables the worker to work comfortably.Usage Area:In areas where temperature exceeds 1500 C