ISO Certificate 9001:2000. (Conform Middle East Govt. by SGS)
Free colour and flavour; anti oxidant, foaming and crystallization
Physical & Chemical properties, Metals, Arsenic, Apperance Limpid (50C)
Iodine Value 133, Arsenicum <0,05, Spesific Weight 0.920g
Additives Matter NIL Plumbum <0.05, Refractive Index 1.4682 (400C)
Acid Value (Mf KOH) 0.06, Hydrargyrum 0.006
Volatile Matter 0.07 % (1050C), Acidity, % 0.33, Cuprum < 0,05
Colour Light yellow Moisture and Volatile Matter 0.01%, Ferrum 0.4
Taste an Smell Perfect, Peroxide Value, milimole/kg2.4, Radioactivity
Insoluble Impurities 0 Caesium 134 and Caesium 137 (Bq/kg) < 2
Saponification Value (mr KOH/r) 191 Strotium 90 (Bg/kg) < 18
Unsaponification Value, % 0.50, SOAPS (PPM) 0