Electro musculation is the action which makes it possible to generate a contraction of muscle fibres. A natural contraction of the driving muscles is caused by pulses coming from the central
nervous system. Electro musculation causes a muscular contraction obtained by pulses coming from outside (of the power generators) starting from electrodes placed in contact with the skin, on the
muscle to be contracted. One distinguishes: The isometric contraction, which is carried out without movement and length modification of a muscular segment. The isotonic contraction, which is
accompanied by a shortening of the muscle.It is obligatory to consult a veterinary opinion in case of :Wounds, IllnessIn case of abnormal symptoms: bad postures, animal lying. ...The accessories
consist of the following elements: Strap to hold apparatusesAccessory shoulders including 4 integrated electrodes (2 per shoulder) Accessory back including 4 integrated electrodes (2 by muscle para
vertebral)Accessory glutei including 8 integrated electrodes (4 by glutei)
SPORT ELEC EQUIN for animals