We offer various kinds of Treadmills, Exercycles, Strength Training Equipments like EQ / DQ M/cs., Lat Pull Down, PEC Fly / Rear Delt, Seated Chest Press, Shoulder Press, Leg Extn., Prone Leg Curl,
Angled Leg Press, Counter Balanced Smith M/cs., Cable Cross Over V-Type, Biangular Bench Press, Biceps Curl, Abdominal Bench, Hyper Extn., 4 Station Multigyms, 6 Station Multigyms, Free
Weights, Bars, Weight Plates, Dumb Bells, Etc., needed for a modern gymnasium.
We can setup a complete Steam Bath as per your requirement at home or for commercial perposes.
Please contact with detailed requirements for us to quote for the same.