Excellent nutritious quality of cold-pressed sunflower oil has been achieved by high content of linolenic acid, very high content of natural vitamin E (biological antioxidant) and presence of beta-carotene. As essential linoleic, Omega-6, fatty acid makes the basis of our metabolism, it should be inevitable part of our food. Since this fatty acid cannot be synthetized, it should be consumed on a daily basis through food. Numerous scientist agree that essential fatty acid has positive effect in prevention of arteriosclerosis and coronary heart diseases. It is used for salads, various dishes and gourmand specialties. NUTRITIOUS VALUE of 100 g of oilENERGETIC VALUE3766 Kj 900 KcalTOTAL FAT99. 3 gSaturated fatty acid8 gMonounsaturated fatty acid28 gPolyunsaturated fatty acid64 gNatural vitamin E70 mgNatrium0 gFATTY ACID% Palmitic C16: 06-7Stearic C 18: 03-4Oleic C 18: 125-39. 4Linoleic C 18: 2 Omega-660-70
Excellent nutritious quality of cold-pressed sunflower oil has been achieved by high content of lino
Model Number: | 12342 |
Category: | Nut & Seed Oil |
Type: | Sunflower Oil |