The commercial series Nautilus Treadclimber TC916 was made for fat-burning feats rarely seen before. Every road runner dreads those inclines that are murderous on the ankles and knees. I know i
do!! Nautilus realized this and decided to design a solution. Once the engineers got down to business, they expeditiously came up with a three-in-one package that became the Nautilus
Treadclimber TC916. This Treadclimber is truely an investment! This particular unit was used on the set of a major film recently released and used by some of the stars that were
featrured in the movie. The movie its self was about people living as robots (basically cyborgs of themselves) from their house supposedly protected from the harsh outside world. This
of course takes place in the future. There is a conspircy with the "cyborgs" and one of the featured stars/ previous users of this Treadclimber pretty much saves the day!! This
item was purchased from the production company of the movie just described. (Due to our purchase agreement we cannot actually say the name of the film or the stars that used the item but the winner
of the auction will recieve a copy of the agreement) There are a few scratches on this item from shipment but it does not affect the functionality. All scratches are strickly cosmetic
as shown in the pictures
Good Working