With its cushioning grips, health skipping rope provides little fatigue even in case of a long-time exercise with it. It also has the function of preventing rope twisting , making possible a
variety of exercise motions and ensuring smooth rope rotating best exercise effects. In addition, Health skipping rope is adjustable in length in accordance ith your height. PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION
GRIP CONNECTION RING TYPE ROPE TYPE RING FOR HIGH ROTATION ROPE LENGTH ADJUSTMENT PHJR 7001 PP, PVC cushion Non-rope twisting ring connection high-elasticity rubber synthetic PVC high-elasticity
thread covering ? ? PHJR 6001 PP, PVC cushion Non-rope twisting ring connection high-elasticity rubber synthetic PVC hollow inside ? ? PHJR 5001 PP, PVC cushion Non-rope twisting linear
high-elasticity rubber synthetic PVC filled inside ? ? PHR 2000 PP, Wood Non-rope twisting linear PVC filled inside