Excel Overseas Corporation , EOCIndia, Exporter of Eco-friendly jute products of ECO-YOGA MAT in cootton/natural rubber and other Jute products .
This Eco-yoga mat in Jute by cotton/rubber is used for practising YOGA -Asanas, Prayanama(breath control) and Meditation and physical Exercise.
This mat is ideal for all Yogis , Yoginis and new practioner as the Jute mat combines a cloth surface and sticky mat in one.
Eco-Yoga mats are made from entirely natural plant based material. They are PVC free (PVC is a long term pollutant plastic) . At the end of the Yoga mat's life they can be composted - making them
completely eco-friendly.
We are making custom-made designs and self-made designs depends upon the requirements of the buyer
Eco Yoga Mats, jute and cotton /rubber
Dimension of the Eco-yoga mat
1. Thick= 3-4 mm
2. Length x breath=185 cm x 65 cm.
3. weight =1-1.3kg
Excel Overseas Corporation, EOCIndia, Exporter of Eco-friendly jute products of ECO-YOGA MAT in cootton / natural rubber and othe
yoga mat
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