FCV600L Want large boat sounder capabilities on your boat? Then look no further than Furuno's color TFT LCD FCV600L. It's compact, waterproof and offers the kind of power, clarity and features normally found on larger, commercial units.While it's small in size, this unit is packed full of state-of-the-art Furuno features. The FCV600L offers a high resolution, 5.6" color TFT LCD screen that unveils the underwater world. You may choose LF (50kHz), HF (200kHz) or both at the touch of a key and obtain detailed fish and bottom discrimination using range scales of up to 3000 feet.
FCV600L Want large boat sounder capabilities on your boat? Then look no further than Furuno's color TFT LCD FCV600L.
FCV600L Want large boat sounder capabilities on your boat? Then look no further than Furuno's color TFT LCD FCV600L. |