Angelsport-Ofenloch e.K. is established over 20years and a very well known company for high quality groundbaits. We use the findest ingredients from the market, a regulary quality check will make
sure your groundbait will habe an amazing freshness, taste and smell. We can do private labels also and we offer also our range of groundbaits with very well known names like :
RHEIN 2010, BITE 3000, COMET, PLUS 4000, EXEO RANGE, MASTER MIX RANGE and finally the best selling CHAMPIONS MIX RANGE.
We also offer a wide range of Additives, also a very well known and succesful range of Boilies, Pellets and Particles. We offer very good conditions for wholesalers and retailers. For retailers we
make sure, having a special area to for offering and selling our range.
We also offer very well known brands - contact us and be succesful together with us.
We are manufacter of ready made fishing ground bait with more than 20 years of experience. we use the finest ingredients.