
TheFishfinder 340C has 12-square-inches of brilliant color.For nighttime viewing, the 340C features an ultra-dimbacklight mode. Its available with a dual-beamtransducer for freshwater use or dual frequency forsaltwater applications. The 340C works with the Garminhigh-speed sonar network, which means you can connect itto a Garmin plotter to view data and adjust settingsfrom the plotter. Enhanced software features includedrift alarm, timers, and a temperature log thatgraphically records water temperature data.TheFishfinder 340C is also enabled with Garmins newCANet"a one-megabit Controller Area Network thatallows users to connect their unit to one of the newGPSMAP?-series chartplotters. This allows boaters toread sonar displays on chartplotters located elsewherein the boat. The Fishfinder 340C is offered in either adual-frequency configuration or, for inland anglersneeding a wider fish-finding cone, a dual-beam model.Water temperature, a round flasher-style display, and anA-scope display also come standard on the Fishfinder340C.Featuresinclude:256-color TFT display, 3.0 W x 4.0 H, 5.0-inchdiagonal, 240 x 320 pixelsCCFL backlight for display and keypadPower output: 500 watts (RMS) 4000 watts (peak topeak), dual frequency 400 watts (RMS) 3200 watts(peak to peak), dual beamDepth: 1,500 feet (dual frequency), 900 feet (dualbeam)Choose Dual Frequency 50kHz (45

Fishfinder 340C has 12-square-inches of brilliant color.
For nighttime viewing, the 340C features an ultra-dim

  • Country:India
  • telephone:91-91 22 2611 5661 1352 9977 7824
Fishfinder 340C has 12-square-inches of brilliant color.
For nighttime viewing, the 340C features an ultra-dim
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