We offer two styles of lures. The more traditional teardrop shape and the longer narrower Flutter spoon. The Trolling Flutter Spoons are now available in two Sizes. The new "WIDE" size and the
Original narrower size. The WIDE Spoon Measures 3/4"x 2 5/8" inches and the Original narrow spoon is 1/2" x 2 3/8". Both have excellent action and versatility in a number of conditions. Whether you
are fishing for Trout, Bass, Pike, Pickerel or Crappie either of these spoons are reliably productive. Their baitfish imitating action gets strikes whether in Lake, Pond or Streams.
All our lures are plated over solid brass blanks to provide a lasting smooth mirror-like finish. We also add a fish attracting red collar to the hook
shank. (I have found that lures that have a little red in them seem to work better). We use Eagle Claw Hooks on all our lures. Size 6 treble hooks on the Flutter Spoons and 1/4 Oz. Casting Spoons
and size 10 on the 1/8 Oz. size spoon.
Through our Web Site we have a special offer on all our Casting Spoons and Flutter Spoons are $1.25 apiece regardless of style, size or color. Painted
Flutter Spoons are $1.50 (Order Page)
Both sizes of Casting Spoons are available in four colors, Copper/Lacquer, Gold, Nickel, and "Glow In The Dark".
"Casting Spoons"
1/4 Oz.