YELLOW TAIL When you choose a rod on the basis of the long jigging rod, YELLOW TAIL can be chosen by length of 6-9 feet, and can reply to an angler's need. By using RS structure blank, we realized
lightness, elastically, pliant bend, and correspond to the blue fish which moves downwards violently. Since there is abundant variations, you can look for a suitable rod to you. There is also a rod
which is adapted for lure for medium size fish, such as from amberjack yellowtail to dolphin, tuna, bonito, etc. This rod has the severe sensitivity and does not overlook the delicate strike with
transmitting through a rod. And the pliant bend of a rod after hitting, and a rod work correspond to blue fish with a weak mouth. FISHERMAN YELLOW TAIL Power Level Packng length Joint Lure
weight(g) Line Target fish Blanks color Price (ft) (cm) piece Cast Jig Nylon PE Bk Wh - Yellow Tail 68 5 6.8 129 1&H 50 120 16lb 3 amberjack, dolphin Bk Wh - 60000 Yellow Tail 68H 6 6.8 129
1&H 60 130 20lb 3 amberjack, dolphin Bk Wh - 62000 Yellow Tail 7 6 7.0 152 1&H 70 130 25lb 4 amberjack, dolphin Bk Wh - 74000 Yellow Tail 8 6 8.0 170 1&H 70 130 22lb 4 amberjack,
dolphin Bk Wh - 77000 Yellow Tail 9 7 9.0 197 1&H 100 170 30lb 5 amberjack, dolphin Bk Wh - 78000