With the introduction of the FR8002, Furuno stands by the reputationthat they have built throughout the years by deliveringhigh-performance, reliable, user-friendly stand-alone radar at
acompetitive price. With a 12.1 portrait SVGA (600 x 800) color LCDdisplay with AR coating, the picture is crisp and easy to see. Largebuttons, programmable function keys, dedicated rotary
controls, and atrackball all make this unit extremely easy to navigate. For simple andconsistent tracking of fast moving targets at close range, it alsofeatures a 48-RPM antenna rotation. Other
features also include: RGBvideo output option available for external monitor display, twodedicated NMEA-0183 ports, AD-10 port and RS-232/option port available,and 12V DC or 24V DC for any output
power or antenna configuration.Two-year warranty.