The Northstar 952X combines the legendary Northstaraccuracy,reliabilityand ease of use into the finest compact colorchartplotteravailable.Based upon the NMEA award winning 951X design,the 952X
addsa daylightviewable, waterproof, 32 color display!Everything about the952X hasbeen designed for optimum performance,from the extremely fastprocessor,and "point and Shoot" navigation tothe
built-in tide dataand optionaldifferential GPS receiver. Operationis so simple andstraight- forwardyou'll feel like an expert rightaway. Simply insertthe optionalNavionics chart cartridge of
yourchoice, to view detailedmarine chartsin full color. The Northstar 952Xfeatures seamless chartpanning,graphic tide data, multiple displayscreens, user entered"avoidance"points, audible alarms,
and much more.The 952X is made inthe USA.
Special Features
Optional Built-in Differential receiver for 3 meter accuracy.(standard GPS is 15 meters)
New Optional WAAS Differential GPS for superior accuracy and better value!
Easy to read 3-D steering display with Distance, Bearing, SOG and COG displays.
Waterproof - high resolution display unit.
12 parallel channel GPS receiver updates once per second.
Includes GPS antenna and Differential antenna coupler (whip antenna sold separately).
# Of Waypoints: 1000
# Of Routes: 500 Rev.
Track log: 12 Channel
Receiver Type: 5.75" Diag.
Display Size: Optional
Plotter Type: Chart- plotter
Supports waypoint entry by Lat/Lon, loran TD's, or distance & bearing.