Years of experience prove that the Ice-World ice floors save a greatdeal of energy in comparison with traditional ice rinks made of EPDM orPE. Energy consumption in comparison with other ice rinks
is veryeconomical as a result of using the best cold-conductor, aluminium, andthe fact that the cooling pipes are in and not under the ice. Thismeans the cooling system can make and maintain ice
using much lessenergy, even in summer temperatures!
In 2009, Ice-World gave theengineering firm Sparkling Projects the task of physically underpinningthis energy saving. TNO/T?V checked the calculation models and testedthe various products in their
laboratory. Both TNO and T?V came to theconclusion that the Ice-World rink saved up to 40% in energy costs.
Open air ice rink with 10 pckgs propylen glycol