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Fiber yarns were produced with bending of 42 and 0.8 mm Plastic Injection Molds produced with lattice system as a first-class equipment bounce file and all the safety Precautions have been taken.
42 Twist to extend the life of the material that is with purpose and within the fiber is more durable material to ensure stretch. During that performance jump of 0.8 milimi increases and allows air
flow. Locking mechanism to prevent slipping of the net bounce prevents friction as possible so that material life is prolonged.
The protection mats made with L?K 1100 EUROPEAN CANVAS users eliminate the risk of damage shock and friction risk of any side in the absence of class A Hasebe and is used as a canvas. Also be more
durable in terms of nature and longevity of these products are our purpose.
Our purpose products 3 MM thick material to elongate the life, to stretch, that is to prevent fractures. Material thickness is very important because these issues.
EUROPEAN NETWORK 2.5 CM MM users Knotless damage during the crash barriers, flexible; in the body during impact does not cause any problems.
Trampoline SPRING:
3 mm long lasting use and galvanize COATED STEEL SPRING is for endurance.
Polyether Sponge:
10 cm thick SERRA 28 32 DENSLK to soften hard foam is used to melt and users to be more durable against shock damage obstacles.
Amusement park , trampoline