Name: Jurassic Park RidesDiameter: Approximetely 5 mMaximum Capacity: 10 Children (2 Children in every Dinosaur) Total Dinosaur: 5 Dinosaurs UnitOfficers Required: 1 officer (control) Safety Precaution: Dinosaur seat beltsAverage Speed: 7 km / hRecommended Group: Only Children below 10 years oldElectricity Source: Electricity / GeneratorSetup time / Retreat Time: 1 day (8 hours a day) / Half dayOperator Comments: Jurassic Park ride will always excite the children from its appearances. It takes longer time for the kids to love this little giant-become-small pet. Kids will love the rides as it goes round and round with medium speed. Operators Star Giving: 3 stars
Name: Jurassic Park Rides
Diameter: Approximetely 5 m
Maximum Capacity: 10 Children (2 Children in