The AlleyOop Sports line of trampolines combines superior quality throughout with the most advanced safety engineering to create the world's best backyard trampoline systems.
Our patented Variable-Bounce technology is an elegantly simple innovation that helps optimize the shock absorption rate and the bounce performance of the trampoline. During a bounce, the
Variable-Bounce System engages the springs asynchronously; a portion of the springs start to engage immediately when the jumper lands and the remaining springs engage a split-second later. Like an
airbag in a car, this extra split second of time makes a big difference - especially during an awkward landing - because it allows a jumper to absorb impact forces more slowly and gradually
throughout the body. Decelerating or stopping the falling jumper more slowly puts less stress on the body, less stress on the jumper's knees, back, etc. The jumper's body absorbs less of the fall
energy so the springs absorb more and this results in a better return bounce. Bottom line, you get a smoother, more forgiving landing, and a better, higher return bounce. Our high quality AlleyOop
springs, specifically engineered to bring you both comfort and height, further improve the bounce performance.
The Variable-Bounce design can't match our premier DoubleBounce Trampoline with integrated AirShock System, but it's still a huge jump in safety and performance over a mass market trampoline!
As with all of our AlleyOop Trampoline Systems, the Variable-Bounce comes with our strongest safety enclosure, employing our Triple-Fail-Safe backup system.
VariableBounce System