The crowd surfing balls are used by the Flaming Lips as well as Sugarland for walking on top of their audiances at concerts , we invented the balls and the Flaming lips decided to use the balls at
their concerts , the idea worked well and from space music , now Sugarland is using the balls as well to excite their fans at concerts as well , from new wave music to country in western music the
balls work great for walking around on top of people without harming the artists or the crowd they are walking on top of . Crazy idea that is really the best way to perform crowd surfing in a safe
Our company is now producing transparent balls and Moonballs for use on water, land and snow.
A large percentage of our customers use the transparent balls exclusively on land..... for dance routines, acrobatics, product presentations, promotions, concerts .....
The transparent balls are currently being used for muscial events , fashion shows , car shows, boat events, store displays, beach parties, sport promotions, and our new snow balls have
now become popular for use during winter events.
Our products have been featured in Newsweek, Rolling Stone, and American Way magazines, and hundreds of publications, newpapers, TV shows in over 50 countries around the world.
ball built for 2, same size as our crowd surfing balls, popular all over the world