Pull Management - Optional. Tractor Tracks, LLC provides professional tractor pull management. Complete turnkey pulls are available. Rules, advertising, registration, track officials, site selection, track boundaries, bleachers, parking, food, refreshments, tickets, insurance, grading equipment, multiple eliminators, dates, times, and other concerns are options that can be handled. Call or email to discuss your needs and to get prices.
Rules - We can use your rules or we can provide rules used successfully at other pulls. Weight classes - you choose or we can help you choose. Our Eliminator will handle all weights of antique tractors, farm tractors, pro stock tractors, stocks trucks, pro stock trucks, and semis.
Insurance. Tractor Tracks, LLC is covered by a million dollar liability insurance policy. Your organization can be listed as Additional Insured.
People - Optional. Flagman, Scale Watcher, Track Officials, Registration, Announcer, Rule Enforcers, Track Grading Equipment Operators. You pick and choose what you need for your pull. To keep costs down, you can use all of your own volunteers.
Second Eliminator - Used for bigger pulls with more tractors or to save time by pulling two tractors or classes at once.
Digital Tachometer - Fast, accurate measurement of engine speed.
Dyno - Accurately measure tractor PTO horsepower.
Track Watering Equipment - Custom built track watering system, mounted on scraper blade, powered by the PTO of the tractor pulling the scraper blade. You provide the water.
Track Grading Equipment - Custom built, multiple angle, scraper blade with mounted water tank and PTO powered sprayer system for tractor three point hitch. Mounts on your tractor. We can rent a tractor if arrangements are made in advance.
Scoreboard - Custom built scoreboard at end of track for spectators and participants. Displays speed and distance while the puller is going down the track. Maximum speed and final distance of the hook stays displayed until the next puller is ready to pull. A large red/green stop and go light helps the puller and the flagman know when it is safe to pull.
Scale - Custom built portable scale, accurate from 100# to 80,000#, large digital read-out in 1# increments up to 20,000#. The scale works well both on a hard surface like blacktop or a soft surface like grass or dirt. Pull organizer must provide a loader to help unload the scale before the pull and load the scale back onto our trailer after the pull. No limit on the number of weigh-ins allowed per pull.
Computers - Computerized measuring system with instantaneous remote digital readouts for the Eliminator operator, the Announcer, the Puller, and the Spectators simultaneously. These Agri-Tronix computers accurately measure pulling distance and speed of the tractor during each pull and the maximum speed pulled when the tractor is stopped. For safety purposes, a computer controlled stop-n-go light at the end of the track plus multiple red/green lights on the eliminator.
Eliminator - Custom built, self-propelled Weight Transfer Sled with Wisconsin's first digital Score Board at the finish line of the track so the tractor driver and everyone in the crowd of spectators can see the actual speed and distance of the tractor going down the track and a computer controlled air horn that sounds a warning when the pulling tractor is exceeding the speed limit set in your rules. Large Red and Green LED stop-n-go lights on the Score Board for safety and controlling the pullers. Highly accurate, computerized distance and speed indicators - on the Eliminator, the Announcer's table, and the Score Board at the end of the track. Eliminator is designed to allow a stock 2000# antique tractor to easily start its pull while also stopping the toughest 12,500# Pro Stock or 26,000# four wheel drive tractors. Eliminator works well with light stock trucks all the way up to the toughest Modified trucks. Our Eliminator gradually increases the weight on the sled without "dropping the pan". This insures consistent pulling distances regardless of the speed of the tractor. Due to the latest design changes, most pulls can be completed without adding additional weights to the Eliminator. To help keep your clay or dirt track in good condition, our Eliminator was recently remodeled with an extra large 100 sq ft, eight foot wide pan that doesn't pile up a lot of dirt. For blacktop pulls, we utilize custom rubberized oak planks under the pan. For truck pulls, the eliminator is designed to give the trucks an easy start, a 25+ mph top speed in the middle of the pull, and a smooth stop. Eliminator comes with an experienced Operator.
Tractor Tracks, LLC is your one stop, worry free provider of everything necessary to hold a Tractor Pull or Truck Pull. We can help you with any part of your pull or we can do everything from start to finish. It's your choice. With over 35 pulls per year and over 4000 paid hooks per year, Tractor Tracks is one of the World's busiest tractor and truck pull providers. We can provide the following equipment and services:
Tractor Tracks, LLC is your one stop, worry free provider of everything necessary to hold a Tractor Pull or Truck Pull. |