Each frame set is available with internal cable routing, seat post extension, 30mm bottom bracket option and more.
Our unique process delivers a frame that is unlike anything else on the market. Remember at RR Velo, one of our trademark designs is the lug less and seem less frames. We feel lugs and seems offer a good place for the frame to fail over time. However, there is no doubt that lug work is beautiful and offers the bicycle craftsman a place to showcase his work. We have come up with the best of both worlds. We find that this is the best blend of old world craftsmanship with cutting edge technology.
Product Name
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Frame Description
Markham - Road
In a world where all carbon fiber bikes start to look the same we offer the discriminating cyclist a distinguished option. The Markham and Fusion EX are RR Velos top of the line frames sets.
These state of the art frames are truly one a kind. We spare no expense at this level. Each frame can be custom designed or ordered from our own special road racing geometry. The top of the line
custom tubes for each bike are carefully selected based on the riders preferences. Then the tubes are mitered and bonded together. Next we use a single piece of carbon fiber roving to tightly wrap
the joint together. After the frames are baked, we begin the painstaking process of sanding and filing to reveal what looks like ornate lug work. RR Velos craftsmen have perfected this unique
process that sets our frames apart from all others.