SB Seat Lift is a bicycle seat height adjustment mechanism while riding, and it enables you to lift the seat high enouh for your fast riding and to lower the seat quickly when you stop or go very
slowly. It means that you can enjoy full speed riding with your seat in high position as you want, and also you can quickly lower your seat to step on the ground with your feet easily sitting on
the seat when you stop, with SB Seat Lift.It protect you from falling down with your bicycle and meeting with an accident. Bicycle technology has developed in various field, however the seat height
adjustment mechanism was not changed last one century, despite that it is one of the most important subject for the bicycle ruders in respect of the safety and the convenience. Of course, there
were many people who tried to solve the problem before, but it seems that non of their idea have been realized yet.If you know any prior art, please compare them with SB Seat Lift.SB Seat Lift is
now avaliable with licence agreement. Patent pending.
SB Seat Lift is a bicycle seat height adjustment mechanism while riding