Product Description
Developed as the little brother to DMR's legendary Trailstar, the26in-wheeled Sidekick has become a fully fledged jump and BSX beast inits own right, and now there's a second, lower priced,
Witha geometry honed at the trails, the Sidekick makes a lightning fastracer too. We've used the same tricked out build list as the Trailstarto make sure that this bike will respond when you demand
Product Technical Details
Available Colours:Black
Brake Calipers Brand:Hayes
Brake Calipers Model:HFX 9 Hydraulic
Brake Levers Brand:Hayes
Brake Levers Model:HFX 9
Fork Brand:Manitou
Frame Type:Rigid
Front Derailleur Brand:SRAM
Front Derailleur Model:X7
Rear Derailleur Brand:SRAM
Rear Derailleur Model:SRAM X-7
Spokes Colour:Stainless Stee
Brand New