The R3 has incredible durability and a full lifetime warrantytomatch.This is the primary road and climbing bike for thetopprofessional onTeam CSC, the same bike used by them in the TourdeFrance.
The ridequality is remarkable: The blend of stiffness andridecomfort is soimpressive it feels like science fiction. This is thebikeused on themost difficult climbs in the major stage races like
theTourde France(not a custom, one-off version of the frameset onlyavailableto thepros) and the bike that has also won twoParis-Roubaixbicycleclassics, the notorious Hell of the North known forits
awfulroads andcobblestones. The current R3 may be the only stockbikeavailable forsale to the public that actually won ParisRoubaix.Previous ParisRoubaix wins (before the R3 won the event
twoyearsrunning) were doneon custom, one off, highly modified bikes.ParisRoubaix was won(twice) on a stock R3 frameset.
TheR3 usesunique technologiesand frame designs such as Cervelos Sqouvalshapeddown tube whichpartially accounts for the bizarre mix of comfortandstiffness. Thisis the first time in the bike industry
themostcomfortable road bikewe sell is also the stiffest road bike wesell.Another factor in theR3s amazing ride is the proprietary R3 seatstay.These flat, leafspring like molded carbon fiber seat
stays hoveroverthe massive,girder like chain stays and work together to make backofthe bike feelsoft while it remains rigid. Like many Cervelo designcuesthis hasgone on to become a much immitated
(but never copied)feature.
The R3 uses an oversized seat post and seat tube for additional comfort, durability and stiffness.
TheCerveloR3is one of very few real, top professional bikes we can own.This istheactual frame the guys on CSC are riding. If you are lookingfor anocompromise, super high end road frame the R3 may
The R3 has incredible durability