Since its introduction in 2006, the Plasma has swept the field inTriathlon and is the envy of all competitors. Top athletes such asCameron Brown, Sven Riederer, Steffen Liebetrau and Ain-Alar
Juhansonrely on the aerodynamic frame design of this high-speed bike. Byutilizing Scott's proprietary CR1 construction process Scott hasproduced the lightest tri specific frame at 2.15 lb (980g).
The SDS(Shock Damping System) rear stays dampen road vibration, providing asmooth and comfortable ride resulting in less rider fatigue. The Plasmais also the TT weapon of choice of the Saunier
Duval Prodirprofessional road racing team.
Since its introduction in 2006, the Plasma has swept the field in Triathlon and is the envy of all competitors.