CTR 250 200CTR 250 Tractor / CPF 200 Tractor with Platform Operator position: the comfortable and practical drivers cabin allows efficiency and precision even during long hours of work: It has a spacious interior, the seats guarantee a high level of comfort and adjustment and the dashboard is clear and simple but at the same time provides substantial information. Constructive characteristics: the tractor construction has been designed analysing various elements and is built to provide a working life of over 20,000 hours under difficult work conditions. The CTR250 has a towing capacity of up to 25,000kg, while the CPF200 version allows a maximum towing capacity of 4500kg along with a platform load capacity of 2000kg. On the CTR250 version, the rear of the platform has been designed to give the driver a perfect view of the tow bar even from the cabin, and guarantees quick and efficient attachment of loads to be towed.
CTR 250 200CTR 250 Tractor / CPF 200 Tractor with Platform Operator position: the comfortable and practical driver's cabin allow |