Product Description
The fact that Rocky Mountain were the ones to scoop astheir company URL shows how quick they are to push new technology. It'sthe same with their attitude to bikes and new riding styles too, withthe
ETS (Energy Transfer System) still at the cutting edge four yearsafter its launch.
Sincethey imported the first Ritchey frames into Vancouver, the guys behindRocky Mountain have always been at the forefront of pushing thetechnical performance expectations. The outstandingly sweet
singletrackhandling of the first Blizzard and Hammer steel hardtails with theirsuper sloped top tubes; their team of Canadian 'Froriders' taking thewhole North Shore extreme freeride scene and the
slopestyle phenomenonto world exposure; the original Slayer defining All Mountain bikesyears before they became the next big thing.
All the whilethey've been keeping a close eye on their roots, too. Bikes and wheelswere made in-house, while even their standard paint jobs looked betterthan most custom coats.
Brand New Bicycles