The S2L-X is a two speed sports bike with flat handlebars that's loadedwith lightweight parts. This bike features a Titanium rear triangle, aswell as Titanium forks, Ti pedal axle bolts and Ti
mudguard fasteners,bringing the weight down quite low. The two speed deraileur eliminatesthe heavy internal hub for further weight savings. If you're after alighteweight folder, this is as good as
it gets.
The Brompton folding bike is easy to fold and a pleasure to ride, aBrompton is the belle of the ball wherever it goes. Way too cool to beimpressed by Colnago's and Pinarello's, the Brompton folding
bike is adesign masterpiece. Every part is specifically engineered to makeriding and folding the bike an absolute joy.
It's the thoughtful details that separate the Brompton from otherfolding bikes. It's absolutely elegant, without a bit of clunkiness.The bikes fold in on themselves to hide the chain and protect
yourclothing, and that of other commuters, from unsightly grease stains.The Sachs 3 speed hub is indestructible and will allow you to switchgears even while standing still, a great feature for stop
and go cityriding.
The S2L-X is a two speed sports bike with flat handlebars that's loaded with lightweight parts. This bike features a Titanium re