H.M.T is one commercial trading company which is mainly focusing on the field of heavy machinery, such as agricultural machine, constructional machine, vehicle and all
kinds of spare parts.
With the strong support of Chinas No.1 machinery corporation YTO, we are confident to and always engage in offering you reliable products, competitive price and easy-to-access
after-service network, and we do believe that which could make us different.
We are willing to establish different kinds of business relationship with various partners to join and re-build Egyptian machinery market together, so dont hesitate to take a contact
with us,
We do have tractors from 18 to 180 HP in our store in Cairo
With my best regards.
General Manager.
Mr. Mahmoud Hassan
Heavy Machinery Importing & Exporting. Co.Ltd
H.M.T )
67 Elgazaeer St. building 4/5 Elshatr Elthamen
Cairo Egypt
Tel. +20 13 3260702
Mobile +201 27476728