Catalogue Ref No: e10251
Price: ?129.99
High School Musical bike, who wouldve thought? It seems the world just cant get enough of the Wildcats and with the third hit Disney Channel movie just out, who can blame them? Troy,
Gabriella, Sharpay and the rest of the gang are going from strength to strength and each movie boasts a more memorable soundtrack than the rest.
We all know how particular young girls can be when it comes to branded items, but the way things are looking now you simply cannot go wrong with this HSM . And as a bonus, without even realizing
it, your sulky tween will have hours of healthy fun outdoors, improving their balance and hand/eye coordination while raising their metabolism and boosting their immune system (nothing wrong with
Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay and the rest of the gang are going from strength to strength
Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay and the rest of the gang are going from strength to strength |